About PGDC

  • History and Mission

    PGDC Benefits

    The Plymouth Development Corporation (PDC) was created in 2002 as a quasi-public corporation for the Town of Plymouth by Chapter 182 of the Acts of 2002 (“Special Act”). In this Special Act, the Massachusetts legislature gave the corporation the following charge: It is the...



  • PGDC Leadership

    The PGDC is managed by a 7-member Board of Directors and an Executive Director who manages the affairs of the Board and oversees Park Plymouth operations. The day-to-day operation of Park Plymouth is managed by a Director of Parking and Property Operations who supervises a staff responsible for office administration and customer service, parking equipment/facility...



  • PGDC Meetings

    The PGDC conducts regular meetings during most of the year with all meeting agendas posted at least 48 hours in advance on the Town of Plymouth website. Click here to review the Town of...



  • PGDC Financials

    As required by its enabling legislation, the PGDC is required to undergo an annual audit of its operations and financial condition, and to submit the findings of that audit to the Town of Plymouth. The audit of PGDC financial statements is performed by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles...



  • PGDC and Town of Plymouth

    The PGDC (Park Plymouth) manages the town-owned on-street and off-street public parking spaces within the Downtown/ Waterfront District and North Plymouth under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), as most recently executed on January 15, 2020, with the Town of Plymouth. This MOA identifies the roles and responsibilities of the PGDC/Park...

