Parking During Snow Emergencies

During significant snow events, the Town of Plymouth may declare a snow emergency.  That declaration will appear as Town News on the home page of the Town of Plymouth website (  During a declared snow emergency, on-street parking is banned within a specific “snow storm zone” that extends from Stephens Field on the south to Hedge Road in North Plymouth.  Click below to see a map showing the geographical limits of the snow storm zone. During the ban, residents and others are allowed and encouraged to park in one of the off-street municipal parking lots indicated on the map so that DPW crews can safely clear the streets of snow.  Parking regulations are not enforced during declared snow emergencies.

Snow Zone for Downtown Parking Ban

It is expected that vehicles will be removed from the municipal off-street lots following cancellation by the Town of the snow emergency (weekends included) so that DPW crews can then clear them of snow.   The applicability and enforcement of all parking regulations will resume once the snow emergency ends.